Kevin Costner Opens Up About Challenging Divorce And Child Support Victory

Kevin Costner And Christine Baumgartner

Kevin Costner and his wife Christine Baumgartner have been engaged in a rough divorce battle. The couple got married in 2004 and are parents to 3 children. The divorce proceedings aside, there has been a major disagreement between the couple regarding child support. That Costner must pay Christine. The court battle has been an ongoing affair in the duo’s lives for the past couple of months.

However, the court has taken Costner’s side. Kevin Costner emerges victorious in this battle between the husband and wife.

Kevin Costner Victorious In The Battle For Child Support 

The 68-year-old actor found himself at the victory stand when the court favored his numbers for child support. TMZ broke out the news regarding this. On Friday, the court gave its judgment on the Costner- Baumgartner child support case. The new sum Costner will have to extend towards child support is just $68K. Which is way below the amount that Baumgartner initially demanded.

The estranged wife of Kevin demanded a lump sum of $249K monthly for child support. However, when the actor replied back stating to give half the amount, Christine was furious. Stating that her children’s lifestyle will not be able to sustain with $129K that Costner told her he would give. Well if only she had agreed to the offer before it went even below to a sum of $68K. The entire issue got ugly and messy when Costner said that the actual expenses of their children come to a total of $50K. And that Christine was adding up the bills just because of the fact that Costner could afford it.

The Judges eventually favored Kevin’s figures and numbers. The actor has plans to hand down his properties to his kids.

What Is With The Actor And TV Series Yellowstone? 

The TV Series Yellowstone played a major role in Costner’s life. This was the first regular TV series in Costner’s acting career. However, the abrupt leaving of Kevin Costner made fans and the public suspicious. The actor is not going to stop coming to the court anytime soon. Recently he announced that he would take the issue to the court.

Regarding how his exit from the show went on. However, the actor clarified that it was not an issue regarding pay. But rather an issue with the creatives. “I tried to break the logjam. They walked away,” said Costner. Kevin Costner won the Best Actor award for his role in Yellowstone at the Golden Globes in January.

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